Taking “Flight” during a pandemic


You know that feeling when you’re getting ready to board a flight and you double check, triple check or even quadruple check that you have everything. Well that’s not really how the businesses in Downtown Burlingame felt in March. There was very little time to check anything or put together a plan for what was to come. “The initial reaction to the Covid 19 shut down was that we didn't realize how long it was going to be and how severe it would impact the business,” said Anna K, one of the managers at Flights in Downtown Burlingame.

Like many businesses in the local Downtown Burlingame area, Flights had to make some big moves on the fly in order to keep doors open…and on the fly they did something pretty crafty to say the least. Alex H, CEO and founder of Flights came up with yet another brilliant idea that would save this beloved chain during the crisis, Growlers.


Yes, crafted cocktail growlers with names like WING MAN and MIRACLE ON THE HUDSON turned this restaurant chain into a go-to spot locals could rely on to fill their liquor cabinets as more and more people went from happy hour with friends and colleges at establishments to happy hour in their living rooms over Zoom calls.

Fights did more than just launch tasty Growlers during the pandemic, true innovation and forward-thinking on the fly put Flights in the spotlight! Alex shares with us the three things Flights did…

“We had to find way to generate sales so the first thing we did was start a gofundme called #feedtheneedbayarea

We raised $150,000 and fed 12000 people in need. 

Second thing we launched was the nations first no touch drive thru grocery store. 

That was a huge success and we made all the news stations prime time news. That was exciting. We have a lot of people coming in now because they wanted to support us for everything we did during the first few months.”

And for the third, well, you might have a bottle in your Fridge right now and if you haven’t had a chance to try the famous Flights Growlers, you can have your very own “WING MAN” by visiting https://ca.flightsrestaurants.com/

To order your 32oz craft cocktail growlers visit: https://ca.flightsrestaurants.com/

For free delivery and online orders: https://flightsrestaurants.alohaorderonline.com/


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